Message from the President
Thank you for visiting the Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp. site. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support.
The Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Group has long focused on development of social and private infrastructure through our bridge construction and bridge retrofit businesses and our civil engineering businesses centered on engineered structures for factories and warehouses, among other businesses.
Currently, the logistics field is expected to further grow and thrive, and higher demand for the road infrastructure that underpins logistics and for warehouses and other distribution bases is predicted. We are committed to contributing to society through the provision of safe, high-quality products to meet this demand.
We will move forward by creating new business sectors and expanding our global activities by proactively utilizing overseas human resources while further enhancing Group-level management and boosting the competitiveness of our businesses.
We will aim to increase net sales and profits and achieve our performance targets by continuing to strengthen our responsiveness in the new bridge construction and bridge retrofit businesses and further expanding the engineered structures business and other civil engineering businesses. At the same time, we will pursue a wide range of ESG-related (Environment, Society, Governance) initiatives to help realize a sustainable society.
The Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Group will be working in unison as a team to meet the expectations of our shareholders. I would greatly appreciate your further guidance and encouragement.
Kazuhiko Takata
President and Representative Director