NewsBriefing on Account Settlement (1st Half)
Open the PDF file in a new window 2024/10/29 2024/10/23 NewsNotice Concerning Revision of Earnings ForecastsOpen the PDF file in a new window
202 4/09/20 2024/09/20 2024/07/29 2024/06/26 2024/06/03 NewsNotice of the 160th Annual General Meeting of ShareholdersOpen the PDF file in a new window
2024/05/20 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for FY2023Open the PDF file in a new window
2024/05/17 2023/12/22 2023/11/09 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for 1h2023Open the PDF file in a new window
2023/06/28 2023/06/05 NewsNotice of the 159th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Open the PDF file in a new window2023/05/22 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for FY2022
Open the PDF file in a new window202 2/12/20 202 2/11/10 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for 1h2022Open the PDF file in a new window
202 2/06/28 2022/06/06 NewsNotice of the 158th Annual General Meeting of ShareholdersOpen the PDF file in a new window
2022/05/20 NewsSixth Medium-Term Management Plan(Presentation Material)Open the PDF file in a new window
2022/05/20 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for FY2021
Open the PDF file in a new window2022/05/13 NewsSixth Medium-Term Management Plan
Open the PDF file in a new window2021/12/21 2021/11/08 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for 1h2021
Open the PDF file in a new window2021/06/25 2021/06/04 NewsNotice of the 157th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Open the PDF file in a new window2021/05/25 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for FY2020
Open the PDF file in a new window2021/01/27 2020/11/10 NewsBriefing on Account Settlement for 1h2020
Open the PDF file in a new window2020/09/01 2020/06/25 NewsMessage from the President
Open the PDF file in a new window2020/06/25 2020/06/09 NewsNotice of the 156th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Open the PDF file in a new window